Thread: Newby
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Old 10-04-2009, 11:34 PM   #17 (permalink)
island cassie
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Default Re: Newby

Leave the fruit bunch hanging on the plant until the first finger turns yellow - takes from four months until whenever! They have to be really ripe to taste like they should and there is no hurrying them so don't cut them green! Some folks mention them taking 6 months or more and it sounds like you cut them down too soon. When they turn yellow cut the bunch down and wait until they start to soften (they have a short shelf life) - they cannot be eaten unripe like store bananas and have to be softish and fragrant - but the whole bunch will only be viable for a few days (which is why you never see them in the stores). Good luck with the new bunches!

Last edited by island cassie : 10-04-2009 at 11:36 PM. Reason: addn
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