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Old 10-05-2009, 06:15 PM   #3 (permalink)
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Default Re: Red stripe ensete/red ensete

LOL! Yeah, I wouldn't use that website as a resource for accurate knowledge. From everywhere I've seen, EV are all green with red midribs like this:

And EVM has red coloration all over like this:

There might be some variation within these classifications (some EV may have more red than others and some EVM may have less red).

Looking at their site, they say 'Red Stripe' and then call it a 'Maurelii' and they say 'Red Abyssininan' (which should be a maurelii) and then say 'Ensete Ventricosum.' So yeah, I have no clue what you'd be getting in EITHER case based on the pics/videos on their website.....VERY inconsistent. Again...I would NEVER use TyTy as a resource for information.
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I'm Bryan with a Y! There is no 'I' in BRYAN!
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