Originally Posted by Not in MY yard (please?)
Several years ago we asked permission (our expense-$200) to have a tree person come out and cut back the trees closest to our fence. Reluctantly he agreed. The tree guy suggested to him that he could take them up and relocate them away from the fence, neighbor refused, likes them as is
Anything hanging over the fence on your side can be cut off without permission from your neighbor
And I do mean ANYTHING...including growing banana bunches
If it were me I'd be transplanting those pups
But If it was wrecking my fence I'd be cutting everything off that was on my side of the fence
I topped 3 Maple trees that were hanging over my side of the fence
Never asked the neighbor....but I'm sure they didn't mind (2 huge Oaks there)
And report him to the HOA..again & again & again & again
Last house neighbors let there dog run free
I called the Police & Dog catcher so many times they finally came & took the dog - after fining the owner $300
And call your insurance company
Have them call HIS insurance company regarding the damage to your property