Re: Musa Dwarf Cavendish finally blooming - quick question about the bunch
I recently got one of these to help provide shade for an endless summer hydrangea.
I figured that I'd likely have to keep this tree in a pot and place it somewhere safe during the winter, but I'm reading some information now that states it might be safe just to put it in the ground, and heavily mulch to overwinter.
Everything I've read states that if I leave it in the pot, that a smaller pot is better than bigger. Smaller being 6-8" in diameter, which is what it came in from the store. I was thinking I'd at least half-bury the pot to help with moisture retention, and to discourage tip-over during wind storms. Tip over is likely though, since this fella could get 7-10' tall after a few seasons.
Does anyone here have experience with this particular variety, or banana plants in general?