Re: Other Michigan Banana people?
For our winters in SE Louisiana I get 2 pups of each plant plus a small growing plant and pot them up and store them outside in a protected area (make shift hot house usually) long term and for some I move them in and out of a studio with windows. Part of the problem with that is I'm starting to get a nice amount of banana plants, ha ha...I label them too.
So...once you get more than what you would consider to be enough banana plants of whatever kind, that's when I'd do the experiment of leaving them outside - one exposed entirely, one cut down, one cut down and covered and so on.
I brought some up to South Haven, MI once. Orinoco. I can't recall what happened to them. One went to a fire station to live in a big pot in Lansing and the others were in the ground near Lake Michigan. I think those actually died.