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Old 10-16-2009, 05:14 PM   #11 (permalink)
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Default Re: Easy Tostones (Puerto Rican Style)

Originally Posted by planetrj View Post
If eating grease excites you, then go ahead and smash away!
Mmmmmm... Grease!

Seriously though, if cooked properly, deep frying is not evil. It is a common misconseption that deep fried equals greasy.

Taken from wikipedia:
If performed properly, deep-frying does not make food excessively greasy, because the moisture in the food repels the oil. The hot oil heats the water within the food, steaming it from the inside out; oil cannot go against the direction of this powerful flow because (due to its high temperature) the water vapor pushes the bubbles toward the surface. As long as the oil is hot enough and the food is not immersed in the oil for too long, oil penetration will be confined to the outer surface.
So.. if you like crispy and delicious tostones, french fries, or hash browns..fry away! If you are on a diet, eat in moderation.
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