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Old 10-22-2009, 10:25 AM   #7 (permalink)
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Default Re: To you Hokey Pokey naners, like Lorax!

LOL! Richard, you're horrible!


Twas lunchtime, and the lissome pups
Did whilf and flamper in the breeze
Methinks twas time to dig them up
Though they were not real trees

Beware, dear friend, the Sikatok!
The fungs that burn, the spots that stretch
Avoid the fusty mung, and shun
The botherous squirrelyhatch!

He took his trusty spade in hand
Longtime in brownish leaves he sat
Struck forth to separate the pups
That cloggéd up the mat

And as in sweatsome work he whups
The Sigatok with leaves of black
Came whiffling through the tulgy pups
And burndled as he hacked

One, two! One two! With pure Cu
The sprayer gun went spritza-splat
He left it dead, and with the frass
He went a whumping back

And hast thou slain the Sigatok?
Come to my yard, oh beamish boy!
Oh frubjous day! The nanners stay!
I chortled in my joy.

Twas lunchtime, and the lissome pups
Did whilf and flamper in the breeze
Methinks twas time to dig them up
Though they were not real trees

-- Charles Dobson, AKA Lewis Carrol, on defeating Sigatoka in the banana plantation.
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