I posted back a few weeks (months?) that I thought I had a leaf that wouldn't uncurl or I was getting a flag leaf. Well...it was a flag leaf. Here is the 2009 Mysore bunch. I'm very excited since last years was so yummy but I'm also bummed it wasn't sooner. This plant seems to like to pop a flag at the end of summer. We do have mild winters but it's so cold today and I can't help but worry about my nanners. Last year they ripened in just over 6 months so I have many days of worry ahead.
Anyway, just wanted to share...brag...whatever.
Also let those people know that my flag definatly looked like a curled leaf that was tangled inside. I was going to fiddle with it and help it out and I'm so glad I didn't because I could have damaged the bud. Thanks everyone who told me to leave it alone. So if your plant gets a funny leaf it might just be a good thing.