Well, upon further inspection, there were some splitting all the way on the bottom(I saw a total of 3), so I cut the bunch down. It must weigh over 100 lbs. I hope they ripen. They are much lighter in color.
I have 1 Williams, 3 Dw Cav's, 1 Pitango, 1 Misi Luki, 1 Ice Cream, 1 RED ROWE, 1 Unk Ladyfinger, 2 Manzano's (I ruined them), 1 unk reg sized fat ones, 1 Praying Hands, and 1 shorter almost normal sized----all bunched up, waiting to ripen. My Saba's have not stopped growing yet, and they are to the peak of the single story roof. The Pseudostem is at least 18inin diameter. Williams is by far THE MOST IMPRESSIVE! Biggest bunch, fastest to bloom, and ripen...well the praying hands were actually 1st to bloom, but I planted the Williams after the Praying Hands.