Re: Deer Hunters, how'd you do?
Ok here we go.. I had to shoot a pack of dogs a number of years ago in kentucky that attempted to attack me.. I fixed my shotgun forestock retainer then commenced to take the offensive. Bear and wolf fall into the same category.. they have teeth. well maybe not bears it depends on its demeanor., but wolves.. well they are overpopulated :^)
My sister has 40 acres near lacrosse that butts up to a state park of some sorts. Its a tree farms (all oaks) and her weekend house. So deer are a hoof :^) I think I'm going to hunt there next year. Alot of hunter don't do any homework and just like hitting the woods for companionship (&beer or liquer) and being away from the normal ins & outs of life.. a get away.. manly man... lol I go late season.. all my area's open up I see more pigs (adds to the bounty) If I see a monster rack or chase one up I'll attempt to lay him down if he doesn't out wit me :^) (been down before)...
I'm a Nannerhead :^)