Re: What should I do about my Siam Ruby??
I have had very good success with the method Sandy recommended to me:
Spray bottle with the following contents: water, small amount of suave coconut shampoo, small amount of vegetable oil.
Use this to really douse the plant on all surfaces. Make sure you hit the top AND bottoms of ALL leaves and get into all the little spaces where they could hide. Repeat this in 4-5 days and possibly a third time (and later as needed if they come back). It smells pretty nice and makes the leaves glossy...pretty good fix...and the ingredients are non-toxic, cheap and easy to come by. It might also be beneficial to take a wet paper towel and remove any webs from the leaves (especially checking the undersides) before application of the spray.
Give that a've got nothing to lose! It worked wonders for me.
Feel the beat from start to stop, dancin' and movin' from bottom to top!
RIP Tog Tan. We love you and will always remember you!
I'm Bryan with a Y! There is no 'I' in BRYAN!