Banana ID
Here's a question I received from a member at the nationals baseball forum I'm in. Any suggestions?
Salty, there is a banana that we had last time we were in Costa Rica, they grew right where we were staying and the owner of the casita would bring us some everyday, along with whatever bread/cookie/etc. that he had used them to cook. These guys were a little shorter, fatter, and straighter than what we get here. They were sweet with a creamy texture. I know this is all pretty vague, but based on that region do you have any ideas what kind they could have been? Makes me not want to have another 'industrial' banana. We were happy to eat several of these things a day.
edit- A further post.
I think we have some pictures, I'll try to dig them up, that should help. The location was at southern west coast, Marina Ballena. They just grew wild on the property.
Men In Nursing- "A Few Good Men"
"Gardening is the purest of human pleasures." - Francis Bacon
"If by a liberal, they mean someone who looks ahead and not behind; someone who welcomes new ideas without rigid reactions; someone who cares about the welfare of the people, their health, their housing, their schools, their jobs, their civil rights, their civil liberties; someone who believes we can break through the stalemate and suspicion that grips us; that is what they meant by a liberal, I am proud to be a liberal."
John F. Kennedy, September, 1960 and
Last edited by saltydad : 01-10-2010 at 05:20 PM.