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Old 01-20-2010, 04:51 PM   #1 (permalink)
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Default New plant - Having some issues

I'm new to horticulture in general, and am a proud new owner of a banana plant in particular. I got my banana plant about a month ago from a nursery in Virginia and then drove it to Oklahoma, which will be its permanent residence. I was then out of town for that next month and had to leave it with a friend to take care of it. I'm keeping it indoors. I've just returned and found that most of it's leaves are at least a little yellow if not very yellow and brown.

I've been reading up on all of this and have learned that it's normal for the leaves to turn brown with age and then for it to grow new ones, but it's pretty much all of the leaves. I'm also afraid that it may have spider mites. I see something that might be webbing from them, but I guess I don't really know how to tell what they look like. The plant tag says Musa 'Cheeka.' The mother plant is about a foot tall (I believe it's a dwarf) and it has two pups about two inches tall. The pups look MUCH better.

Should I just separate the pups (which I've been reading up on) and put them all in different pots and treat them for mites and hope for the best, or what? I am going to attempt to include a link to my member gallery for photos, but am not sure it it'll work. Also they aren't the best because I only have mac photobooth to take them with right now. Thanks for any input!

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