Originally Posted by Patty in Wisc
Yeah, backstraps are really the only good eating on venison. Venison coarsley ground & used in chili is excellent, but the rest is good as a long cooked roast w/ onions & then make a gravy w/ it. Seems the 'gamey' taste comes out the longer you cook it.
If I ever get access to pheasant, Joan, I'll ask you for your recipe!
Or, you could post it here now
Not True! I process my own venison and there is no "gamey" taste. There are 3 ways I use venison, backstrap and hindquarters can go into cube steak, all the rest goes into either ground meat, or jerky--none of it has a gamey taste. The process starts with a minimum of 3 days soak in icey cold water, draining and replacing water/ice every day. One other key factor is removing all of the scent glands as you process the meat. Except for the ground meat, most of my recipes cook venison very quick to retain tenderness.