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Old 01-26-2010, 09:25 AM   #4 (permalink)
Location: Zone 5b INDIANA
Zone: Zone 5B - BRrrrrrrrrrr!!!
Name: Jay
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Default Re: Ensete ventricosum var. 'Maurelii'

Kevin, Welcome fellow Canadian!
I have a 'Maurelli" here in Indiana's zone 5b and it's doing well potted up for me over the winter. I also have had this plant when I lived in California and it did well out there too. The key for you to be successful in WINTERPEG will be having a location for over-wintering in a warm/bright location.
I will admit that all of the Ensete sp. I have grown seem to be very variable on their vigor and survival rates even when grown in the "exact" same conditions and manner.
I often laugh when I hear people tell me that they tried a plant species once and it didn't work out for them that they aren't going to try again.....plants like bananas and tropicals so far outside of their native growing areas are going to be finicky.
Because growing a plant suited to your climate is just too simple.........
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