Thanks for the website comment Robert. Yours is very nice as well. What a nice life, to have travelled and learned so much about cycads. I love the miniature with your name attached. Are cycads fussy? I see some down here where the owner doesn't know how to take care of them, and the heads die. A lady up the street (I think) lost hers in the freeze. When I drive by it looks more and more like it's dying. She did nothing to protect it.
Woods, thanks for that too. I hadn't thought of paper. Good idea. Lol, we own our property free and clear so not worried about foreclosures. My wife refuses to go into any enormous debt, so we usually have VERY small payments (by making a large down payment) or none at all. Taxes are our big payout. You're right though, I see the foreclosure signs everywhere.
Abnshrek, I'm VERY interested in your experiment, and hope you post your results.