Thread: Beer and taxes
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Old 01-29-2010, 01:06 PM   #17 (permalink)
Jack Daw
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Default Re: Beer and taxes

Originally Posted by lorax View Post
I'm obviously doing quite well then! I pay a flat $8 a month in taxes here due to the government's excellent Small Business Tax scheme (called the "Smile" tax); if I ever make more than $60,000 I'll start paying 7%, and if I go over $1 million I'll pay 25%.

The VAT (goods and services) tax is 12% AND I get a portion of it back each year depending on my receipts. Petrol and oil products are subsidised, which means that I pay only about 2 cents per gallon tax, and a gallon of petrol costs me $1.50. Liquors produced in other countries, however, are crushingly expensive, and about 65% of what I pay there is tax of one sort or another.

North American and European taxes are messed up!
I hope that once I open my company's department in Ecuador, I will have to pay there more than 25% taxes, Beth. You can do that in Ecuador, because relative cash flow is really small when compared to European or American (USA). There are people in Europe who earn twice as much as the entire East Africa, so each state sees there's lots to be taken on taxes. Besides, the most powerful companies from Europe, USA... are (no) tax payers with official seat on Bahamy, Caymans...
Thnx to Marcel, Ante, Dr. Chiranjit Parmar and Francesco for the plants I've received.

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