Re: Time to put the bananas to sleep for the Winter
Hi Patty,
Glad it was of some help to you. I think your plant would be fine on the SR floor with those temps. My garage is about the same temperature in the winter, and I stored several bananas in there two winters ago. My first time storing 'Ice Cream' in the crawl space was not too successful. The corm lived, and so did the main pseudostem, but there was a lot of dieback on the pseudostem. It was a little slow getting going in the spring too, but caught up just fine. This year, from that one corm, I have four 6 foot pseudostems going in the ground! I still haven't peeked at them yet. Too busy with finals right now. Next week should be the time for me to start planting.
As far as acclimating them to sunlight, here's what I do: Nothing! They don't seem to ever skip a beat either.