Re: Question About Musa Banana
Yeah, all bananas are 'monocarpic' meaning they fruit once per 'plant' and then this plant dies back to the corm. It is possible to have a mat of plants from one corm that has multiple pups on it that will fruit soon after the main plant does. So I guess it kinda depends on what she is calling the 'plant.' If she refers to the entire mat as one 'plant' (because it is one main corm) then she could be correct. If, however, she's trying to say that a particular pseudostem fruited, then continued living another year to fruit again, she's sadly mistaken.
Feel the beat from start to stop, dancin' and movin' from bottom to top!
RIP Tog Tan. We love you and will always remember you!
I'm Bryan with a Y! There is no 'I' in BRYAN!