Re: Acer Palmatum germination!!!
Don't want to spread gloom - Bob is a friend, and lives just a few miles from me. However having been in the nursery business for many years, I have produced hundreds of thousands of Japanese Maple seedlings. I had permission to gather seeds in a very old cemetary (circa 1700 & something) There were hundreds of ancient, and new, J. Maples there. One year, we gathered 3 "mud buckets" (5 gallon buckets of sheetrock taping compound) of seed. This produced about 150,000 seedlings. Sadly, only about 5 in a thousand produced "weeping", or "lace leaf" plants, even when the seeds were taken from those trees. I'm just saying this so, unless, in Turkey, there are no other varieties to cross-polinate with, you won't be surprised if they're not all weeping.