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Old 03-30-2010, 11:30 AM   #9 (permalink)
Jananas Bananas
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Default Re: Assembly REQUIRED - Twirling Composter!!!

I took the piece HH back and they opened up a new box and took the piece out of it and gave it to me. OK it's done, complete, and outside!!!!! (I did have to remove the barrel and had to slant the frame around the doorway to get it out. I didn't have to take the wall out BOB! HA! HA!) Now I just have decide exactly where I want it to be and to fill it up.

Yes, Doc that is exactly what the directions were like! Not fun! I was following the instructions step by step and I was pulling my hair out by the time I was finally finished.

Bob the 30's were before my time but I do remember seeing "Our Gang" which I thought were the "Little Rascals" - it could have be reruns I guess. Spanky, Darla, Buckwheat, Alfalfa and the others. Glad you got a chuckle! I figured someone would enjoy the story!

Dave I will let everyone know how it works for me. I know it will keep the local wild life out of my pile now. I think that aspect alone will make it worth the money spent.

Jananas Bananas
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