Originally Posted by tmc2009
I had a different problem. My bananas couldn't handle the slightest wind. The stem bent down and kinked and probably need to be cut off. Growing without the usual stresses of mother nature, I think the growth is weaker.
I have had trouble with wind as well. It helps if you plant on the east or south side of your house, or on the east or south side of a tree. I have found the the east side is the best because damaging winds normally come out of the west. It also make a difference what variety of banana you plant. For example bordeleens are not a wind tolerant as basjoos. I have found that my cavendish bananas can handle more wind without damage than any other type of banana I have because the leave bases are thicker. Also, as the trunk gets thicker, the plant can handle more wind. if you get wind damage just cut off the damaged leaves and the plant will grow back quickly. Good luck!!!! Remember use lots of fertilizer. I fertilizer mine once a week, sometimes more. the type you mix with water works the best from my experience.