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Old 05-10-2007, 09:00 PM   #12 (permalink)
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Default Re: Recommend tall/fast growing bananas and M.O.

Kandrian is also a giant banana, almost as large as Saba from what I've seen. The Kandrian I grew last year stored very well in my crawl space also.

If you can find Musa itinerans var. xishuangbannaensis, that one is a monster as well (up to 40 feet in the wild). Of course, there is M. ingens, but seeing as how nobody seems to be able to germinate the seeds here in the U.S., it isn't available yet. M. jackeyi and M. boman get to about 30 feet also, but good luck finding them. You can't go wrong with Ensete glaucum, E. ventricosum, or E. superbum to make a bold statement with. Ensetes store very well also. M. sikkimensis gets tall and grows fast, but not 30 feet tall.
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