Leaves unfurling too early?
Hello everyone! Need some help determining what's causing some leaf problems with our Maurellii. We bought it last summer and put it in a large pot. It lived outside, next to our pool, for the summer, and then we overwintered it inside. It was very happy all winter in our sunroom and grew quite a bit! It suffered a bit with sun exposure and wind when we put it back outside last month, even though we tried to transition it slowly. Still, it has been putting out beautiful leaves at the rate of one a week - sometimes quicker than that. Trouble is, with the last couple of leaves, the leaves are smaller and they're unfurling before they protrude completely outside of the PS! What could be causing this? Until this past week, our weather was hot and DRY. Did we not water it enough? Does it need to be fed more often - or with a certain fertilizer blend we might not be using? Please help!