Thread: I'm a newbe
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Old 05-25-2007, 11:09 AM   #1 (permalink)
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Unhappy I'm a newbe

Wow! What a site! Happy to meet all of you. I do have questions and if anyone can help....a BIG thank you!
I have a dwarf oranco that for several years I keep in my house in winter but the lighting is so bad, it just barely hangs on but in spring it thrives. Well this spring i put it ouside (it's in a pot) and all of a sudden it has 5 baby plants growing out of it. I'm afraid that the mother plant thinks it's dying so for preservation, it is doing this. So far the plant looks ok, it is leaning alittle and there are no leaves coming out from the stalk. How do I seperate the babies from the trunk without killing the tree? 3 are coming from the roots below but 2 are growing out the side of the trunk. I've never seen this before. Also, does anyone have an idea of when I could have real bananas growing from it? I do use a banana food source once a week. Thanks for any help.
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