With the weather turning hot, all my replacement pups have started to grow, the first 2 pictures are likely to be Cavendish type
This apple was a gift and is starting to look good
This is the orphan from the lagoon and is still looking pale although it is putting out new leaves - perhaps the salty water had a longer lastin effect than I expected
This pup was a freebie from a vacant lot - the parent fruit looked like this but I never saw them ripe
Now the surprise! This rulo was killed by the spray and as the pups were coming up distorted, I had the whole mat dug up (or so I thought!) This healthy chap has appeared from some fragment of root and I am very happy to see him.
This is a red fruited banana.
All of the above are still very small but I admire them every day on my garden patrol. As we have recently acquired a mastiff/rottweiler puppy and his small friend, all my nanas are now protected by cages of rebar ready for when the play gets rough!