Originally Posted by Abnshrek
News said, they are 16 feet from completing the first relief well so almost have 2 gushers...
I certainly hope not--this is bad enough. I haven't been to the beach, but I talked to someone that had. They said the sand where they walked lookled white, but when they got back to the car, their feet were black. He looked at the sand and said it looked like little specks of pepper in the sand--but when you walk on it, it ends up coating you feetand takes mineral spirits to remove it.
It will take months to get theis stuff off the surface of the Gulf, yrs to get this stuff out of the sand on the beach, decades to get it buried in the marshes and sediments of our bays. Even then it will get resuspended every time we get a hurricane. In reality it will probably be with us for over a century.