Re: Can I Ship banana corms bare root to California from Florida?
From this end, CA, it is illegal to sell a plant without a nursery license, and the steps outlined by Richard.
Some states go so far as to require a Nursery Stock Certificate and/or a Phytosanitary certificate for entry of any plant material into their state, even if it is a gift, or free.
About 98% of the material sold on Ebay is shipped illegally.
As an example, for me to ship to FL I need a Nursery License ($150/yr), need to be on the SOD list ($60/yr)(Sudden Oak Death) and not have host plants at my nursery, be inspected for Glassy-winged sharpshooters (they spread Pierce's disease) ($60/yr + fortnightly trap inspections), and be listed as a snail-free nursery ($60/yr). After that, it is $35 for the Phyto for each shipment. So a $20 plant going to FL costs about $75 with shipping and Phyto.
Fun, huh!!