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Old 07-09-2010, 08:15 PM   #6 (permalink)

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Default Re: I finally have banana fruit growning.--help

Congrats, that is an awesome feeling getting a bloom.
You can post a closeup of those purple flowers for a more precise identification, but from the looks of it so far, this is likely "Orinoco" that you have. Those female flowers that you see are different based on the type of cultivar that it is. So if you post a closeup it will help ID them. And they secrete a sugary substance that the ants love. The flowers fall off and with that goes the sweetness, so the ants wont be attracted to them so much when the fruits really start to plump up. Give it a few months, almost 4 months, and they should be ready to harvest and start eating. Wait until they turn a bit yellow then cut the bunch or just the yellow hands.
We have some threads here about techniques to prop the plant so it does not fall over from the weight. Orinoco are not notorious from falling due to their own weight (the yields are not so plentiful as some others) but it cannot hurt, especially if you are in an area with high winds or stormy weather.
If you use rope (like you mentioned), put the rope inside vinyl tubing where it touches the plant, otherwise the rope will act like a saw in the wind. For sure you get the idea.
Here's a couple threads on that topic about propping, there are many more where its mentioned though, just search in the search box for "prop":
supporting fruit with pvc...did I do it right? pics in gallery
I built some PVC supports for my Ice Cream naners this weekend

Did you fertilize the plants or did you just let nature do its thing? You might want to plan your strategy next season around more food for the plants if you want to encourage more vigor.
Again, congrats.. what a long wait you had! Please keep us posted on the progress.
Apologies in advance if I am slow to reply to your PM. I suggest posting in the forums for support if you need something urgent.
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