Originally Posted by pitangadiego
From this end, CA, it is illegal to sell a plant without a nursery license, and the steps outlined by Richard.
Some states go so far as to require a Nursery Stock Certificate and/or a Phytosanitary certificate for entry of any plant material into their state, even if it is a gift, or free.
About 98% of the material sold on Ebay is shipped illegally.
As an example, for me to ship to FL I need a Nursery License ($150/yr), need to be on the SOD list ($60/yr)(Sudden Oak Death) and not have host plants at my nursery, be inspected for Glassy-winged sharpshooters (they spread Pierce's disease) ($60/yr + fortnightly trap inspections), and be listed as a snail-free nursery ($60/yr). After that, it is $35 for the Phyto for each shipment. So a $20 plant going to FL costs about $75 with shipping and Phyto. Glassy winged sharp shooters attack grape vines and came into california likely by illegal plant shipments and the same with asian psylids which spread greening disease in citrus were brought into this country by illegal shipments.
Fun, huh!!
I went through the same headaches on researching what could be and how to ship to California as a nursery owner in Florida. I was a bit perturbed at the florida dept of agriculture for not making a single effort to go after those who ship plants on ebay. As a nursery owner you have to get a nursery certificate, pay for numerous fees and inspections whereas the ebayer does not.