''Orinoco'' and ''Dwarf Orinoco'' mature height
I know a banana matt in Athens that has been growing for years and have always enjoyed passing by it but always thinking it as a Musa basjoo. However,when i saw a photo of Musa basjoo flower here on the .org,i knew i had never seen one!!!! All the banana matts i have seen in flower in Greece had deep purple inflorescence bracts which rules out M. basjoo. So it turns out the most commonly grown banana in Greece(which still you dont see often)is probably some kind of edible banana.
The banana matt i was telling you about,i have seen it in flower and fruit before and i know it has deep purple bracts too so its definately not a M. basjoo. Seeing photos of Orinoco,i can say it looks pretty close to identical and as i dont have one,i am interested in getting a pup of it. But first,i want to know if its the Tall or the Dwarf form as i am only interested in the Tall,original forms. This matt grows at the edge of pine canopy with some stems in shade and some in full sun. The ones growing in shade are easily 3meters(maybe 4 but i am not sure,i will have to check next time i pass by to hopefully get a pup)and still havent flowered or flaged with pretty huge leafs,about 2m or more in length. The ones growing in sun and particularly a stem that is currently fruiting,is shorter,possibly 2 but maybe even 3meters. I dont know if this stem had any misfortune that cause it to be that short but the others in full sun are also that short,only not flagging or flowering yet.
The pseudostem of these plants is yellowish,as is the leaf midrib when seem from below. It has some white powder on the underside of the leafs,not too thick but enough to make them greyish green.
Anyway,i am sure its hard to id without a photo so i would like to know what is the minimum pseudostem height a full sun grown,established for years but not too big mat of ''Orinoco'' may have and still be the Tall Orinoco,what is the max height it can attain and under what conditions only and also,what is the maximum height a ''Dwarf Orinoco'' may attain under any growing conditions? What is the minimum height at which the plant is considered a Tall Orinoco? Is there any Orinoco variety inbetween the dwarf and the tall/regular,in height?
Thank you very much in advance!
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