Here is my watering cycle.
But I'm in Zone 10. Hot n humid...High temp is normally about 93 but Heat-index (humidex) is 103-110 daily here.
I water my trees 2x a week. I use Richard's mix of 20-5-30 2x a week. If it rains, I skip the watering/feeding. I don't hammer at strong mix, just a bit of blue....2 gallons total for my Tall Brazilians (20' tall), same for my Gran Nain and Dwarf Brazilians.
I also try to spread the mixture about 2' out from the truck of the plant...
If you are growing in a container, I would water the plant super there is standing water, about an inch in the pot. I call this power-watering. Then everything seeps through evenly.
This works in the warm growing season. You'll really have to cut back on watering when the plant gets cold in Fall. Normally bananas shut down when temps drop below 60f. Do not water when the temps stay below 60f or your plant will rot and that's very disturbing
Lots of answers on this forum. Good luck! This is the fertilizer I use: Richard really has a great mix. My plants grow about 6" a day. nuts hehehe
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