Thread: Deep-Freeze!
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Old 08-08-2010, 04:04 PM   #8 (permalink)
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Default Re: Deep-Freeze!

A couple of years ago, I had about 30 basjoos, in large, 15 inch, or bigger, containers. Their pseudostems ranged from 6 to 8 feet so, combined with the pot, some of the tops were 9½ feet off the ground. I couldn't imagine building a cage 8 feet square, and over 9 feet high, to fill with leaves, and mulch, in which to overwinter them. I decided to lay them down, in alternating directions (First stem pointing north, next one south, then north again, etc.), and covered them. When I uncovered, in early May, they had already started growing, but they wanted to grow up, not sideways, so they sprouted out of the sides of the stems.



Maybe, if I had uncovered earlier, before they started growing, I wouldn't have had the problem. I don't know, but any that I have, this year will be stored in a cool room, bare root. I did that with a few, this past winter; put them in there in early November, and never even went in the room, until early April, took them out, repotted them, and they were growing again in a week.

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