Thread: Worm Juice?
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Old 08-15-2010, 09:33 AM   #5 (permalink)
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Default Re: Worm Juice?

Yes, I have used it. I mix it heavily with a lot of water just in case. What I do is not really exact or anything but ill take out all the worm juice I have (That will fill about half a 5 gallon bucket.) I will then fill this bucket with water and mix in up real good. I then fill another 5 gallon bucket about 4 - 6" full then fill with water and pour it around the root zone.

Honestly I can not tell much difference right away, but the way I see it the more organic material in my soil the better. I do know that my plants seem to keep growing and all seem to kind it. I would say the few tree's I have planted in just sand seem to like it the most. I have also noticed in increase in worms found in the soil. It could just be that there are little ones mixed into the juice and get dumped on the ground also.

I just suggest watering it down real good, and you can mix it with other fert you may be using.
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