Taking the plunge once again...
I am thankful to have had the $$$ & opportunity to try this again!!
The only factor that is different here, now:
1.) The Post Office didn't send it to me obliterated...
I had the most BEAUTIFUL plant last year that
Greenie sent me, but the USPS had bent, bruised & battered the poor thing to death & it tried, but couldn't recover.
I thank
Niblicksrus for providing me a beautiful AeAe to try again with.
(((AND all those LOVELY BONUS plants!!!)))
My Che' snuck off with the colocasia gigantea - she wants to see if it grows those HUGE leaves!!!
They also tucked in an epiphyllum, a SDC 'Novak', a Tropicanna canna & a heliconia!!!
THANK YOU for your professionalism, customer care & generosity Nick & Michele!!!
~Cheryl & the Kids