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Old 08-19-2010, 02:18 PM   #1 (permalink)
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Default cause of burnt emerging leaves in DC?

My dwarf cavendish is growing as fast or faster than all my other bananas, putting out at least one new leaf a week, but these leaves are quite pale when first emerging and are getting burnt on the side exposed to the sun. This is when the emerging leaf is still tightly coiled. And the new leaves are having trouble unfurling -- I've had to physically unfurl them myself. None of my nine other bananas are doing this. And I've treated them all the same as the DC.

This strange behavior only started after I fertilized all my plants with composted chicken manure (which I've done once monthly). It almost seems like the plant is just growing faster than the chlorophyll in the leaves can develop and so the pale exposed parts of new leaves burn.

Has anyone experienced this before?

I'll post a picture later to help you all envision what I'm trying to describe.

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