Re: Hello for all members
I stop fertilizing my bananas, palms, etc in August. This goes especially for any plants to be left outside for the winter. You want to cut down on tender new growth. For those coming inside and potted, you want to minimize new growth-just keep the plant alive, don't water too much as the bane of winter potted plants is rot from overwatering. The easiest way for nanas is bare root- no watering at all. Other corms I dry out without leaves, and put in a paper bag with peat moss. Be sure to label the bag! Good luck; everything looks gorgeous.
Men In Nursing- "A Few Good Men"
"Gardening is the purest of human pleasures." - Francis Bacon
"If by a liberal, they mean someone who looks ahead and not behind; someone who welcomes new ideas without rigid reactions; someone who cares about the welfare of the people, their health, their housing, their schools, their jobs, their civil rights, their civil liberties; someone who believes we can break through the stalemate and suspicion that grips us; that is what they meant by a liberal, I am proud to be a liberal."
John F. Kennedy, September, 1960 and