Originally Posted by momoese
Here is the reply I just received from ebay.
Hello Mitchel,
Thank you for writing to eBay. My name is Kaelyn and I am happy to
assist you with your concern regarding item number 190120308425.
Given the nature of the information that you have provided, I will need
to further investigate this issue before appropriate action can be taken
on your report. While I cannot necessarily keep you fully advised of the
actions being taken, I promise to thoroughly investigate the information
you have provided.
Again, thank you for your email and please don't hesitate to let us know
if you have any further questions or concerns.
Kaelyn L.
eBay Community Support
I'll try 'em again too, Mitchel. But eBay is notorious for letting guys like this slide by, so there's no telling how many complaints it'll take to get them off the stick.
They've blown me off so many times that I'm surprised they haven't tried to charge me for it!