Originally Posted by Clinton3666
Also I'm looking for seeds suppliers that sell the seeds of musa zaifui, musa rosacea, musa rubinea, musa lawitiensis, violascens, musa gracilis.
I've been looking for Musa Rubinea for a very long time and I've come to the conclusion that no one is supplying these varieties (as seeds). The only website I've found that even mentions M. Rubinea now says it no longer sells seeds, but plants, and that ordering those plants is next to impossible.
I thought Musa Zaifuil (sp) was very new.
I thought rosacea and rubinea were the same.
Violascens was a speciality of our much loved Tog Tan, but sadly he is no longer with us.
So in other words these seeds aren't available anywhere.
Have you tried
rarepalmseeds.com - palm seeds, cycad seeds, banana seedsor
Spezialsortimente, Musafor similar seeds.
Good luck with your quest.