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Old 10-13-2010, 09:59 AM   #16 (permalink)
The Hollyberry Lady
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Smile Re: All-Hallows-Eve!!! (Halloween)

You're welcome, Rae!

Someone in another Halloween thread on another site, asked me what my best and favorite Halloween costume was and I replied...

I think my best costume was...

One year I dressed as Rapunzel because I've got long blonde hair to my waist. The gown was especially gorgeous though because I rented it and I had my hair done in long ringlets at the hairdressers...I felt like a Princess.

The top 15 complaints of the modern day vampire

* Grunge look makes it tough to tell living from the undead.
* Nutrasweet or not, fat-free blood tastes like crap.
* Hard to get a decent puncture with latex on your fangs.
* Three Words: Daylight Savings Time
* Thanks to all those Marilyn Manson fans, we just aren't taken seriously any more.
* After 45 years of Communist rule, it's impossible to find clean, uncontaminated Transylvanian soil for bottom of coffin.
* After 100 years of trying, still can't score with Elvira.
* No bat is safe with Ozzy Ozbourne around.
* With all those crucifix-wearing Madonna clones, junior highs are suddenly off-limits.
* No warm blood for miles around DC.
* Exhausted from all those Calvin Klein photo shoots.
* Sick and tired of being mistaken for Keith Richards
* Buxom wenches of old have been replaced by aerobicized "hardbodies."
* Baboon heart makes everything taste gamey.
And the number 1 complaint of Modern-day Vampires:
* No small task beating F. Lee Bailey to a warm body

Ok yes, I know those were really corny!

What's you favorite Halloween movie?

Mine is undoubtedly "Halloween" with Michael Meyers.

Love Jamie Lee Curtis in all them...

: )
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