Re: N. Fla. winter--to cut or not to cut?
Thanks for this discussion and pics - my South Miss climate/zone 8b is similar to N. Fla -expect a few nights will dip down to 20s F this winter but only for a few hours. Hard freezes are rare -expect mostly winter days will be 50s or higher.
1. when should this wrapping be done? I don't want to start too early or wait too late. any tips about this?
2. N-sulate is available on internet in 1.5 or 3 oz -not cheap but if it works, i'll find the $ - which is better to use?
3. Do you leave pstems wrapped once done -or is it better to unwrap during indian summers/warm periods?
Growing: Orinoco, Rajapuri, Dwarf Cav, SDC, TT, Dwarf Red, Dwarf Namwah, Tall Namwah (aka Ice Cream), Dwarf Brazilian, Veinte Cohol, California Gold, Double Mohai, NOT-Goldfinger, Gran Nain, Velutina