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Old 10-29-2010, 01:26 PM   #12 (permalink)
The Hollyberry Lady
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Smile Re: What to do with my Siam Ruby?

The trick is to spray and mist your plants regularily & consistently though. Some people think just once is enough!

My plants get weekly and sometimes twice weekly showerings. I never miss a week or get lazy about it because I know exactly what will result from it if I do.

When I've occasionally had infestations before, I showered my plants daily for about two weeks straight to be sure they were all gone, but then cut back to once or twice weekly thereafter.

I sure did not mean to put down your way of doing things, Nate, and think that all gardeners should find their own way. Cool too that your spray is organic which is very responsible of you.

I just merely wanted to show other gardeners that if they want to put in the time and care, they don't ever have to spend another dime on sprays again.

Sometimes too, pests can build up a tolerance for sprays over time, rendering them ineffective. They never build up a tolerance to my hard blasts of water though...that knock their arses right off my plants!

I respect your way of doing things too though Nate and if this is what you prefer and it works for you, then you should continue.

: )

Last edited by The Hollyberry Lady : 10-29-2010 at 04:14 PM. Reason: damn spelling!!!
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