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Old 11-01-2010, 06:37 AM   #3 (permalink)
Northern Tropics
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Default Re: Mycorrhizae making my bananas grow slower

I don't know about this study... I would have liked to see what a controls with just all three kinds of mycrorrhize without the nematodes added too--would have done. The final analysis of the plants in table 4 on page 74 (6/8 on the link) of the study shows that the kind of mycrorrhize commonly used in potting soil caused the highest analysis of nutrient content in the tissue after being planted in nematode infested soil for 8-10 months.
Since most of us don't have nematodes, this study doesn't help a whole lot that I can see.

I kind of doubt that your potting soil is causing your plants to grow slow. I know mine used to grow a lot slower three years ago when I started growing them than they do
and I was using the same potting soil. Experience sure does help.
Sandy Burrell

Northern Tropics Greenhouse
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Muncie, IN 47302

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