Thread: Compost Tea
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Old 11-10-2010, 06:12 PM   #2 (permalink)
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Default Re: Compost Tea

I use an old 10 gallon aquarium. I have an aquarium heater that keeps the water about 85*F (I keep it in my garage/basement which tends to stay very cool even in summer) and an aquarium bubbler for oxygen. I let the water (7 gallons or so) sit for a few hours to let all the chlorine evaporate and then add about a tablespoon of unsulfured molasses and stir with a big wooden spoon. Then I just dump in a good few handfuls from deep in a mulch pile and stir. After about three days if it smells "woodsy" I use it and if it smells like an outhouse I throw it out away from plants, fill the aquarium with bleach water. I switch to my other 10 gallon aquarium and start over. Seems to have worked well last summer. My Elephant Ears did quite well. My Musa didn't really do much and I need to go back in my email and look up the tread that suggested that compost tea might not be good for Musa (actually I think it stated that mycorrhizae might be bad for Musa and the compost tea is supposed to feed the mycorrhizae. I didn't read the thread, but I guess I need to before next summer.
------read the other thread so I added this------------------------------------------------
I guess it is only one type of mycorrhizae and not everyone agrees that the study is complete enough. When you make your own compost tea I think you feed a whole host of mycorrhizae so perhaps the negative is far outweighed by the positive.

Last edited by RobG7aChattTN : 11-10-2010 at 06:22 PM.
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