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Old 11-15-2010, 04:05 PM   #14 (permalink)
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Default Re: Ae-Ae bananas on Hawaii Island

Another suggestion; There are more and more newer varieties of variegated bananas available on the market now. The variegated dwarf Namwah in my opinion is spectacular and outshines the Aeae as far as the variegated patterns it can exhibit. The plant is shorter and its leaves more broad and produced in a rosette, similar to the appearance of a dwarf Cavendish. It suckers freely and will occasionally produce all white leaved plants which will continue to grow by themselves once removed from the parent. The fruit is also equally pleasing in appearance and much sweeter than Aeae. It doesnt grow too large and can be absolutely breathtaking as a containerized specimen. I have also noticed that it does not have the tendency to brown out as much as Aeae even though some of them have far more white tissue than green. I believe this is actually due to this 'white' tissue in Namwah having tiny cells of chlorophyll already present mixed in with this white tissue. As its leaves age, you will notice that they turn slightly more and more light green. You cannot notice this with the newer leaves, they appear clear white. Another variegated banana that is readily available is the Giant Tanna (AKA Tanee, Silver Bluggoe). This variety grows larger than Aeae and depending on the specific plant purchased can be equally mesmerizing as the Aeae. Its variegation is often produced in thin white striping as well as larger sectored patterns. It is a much more hardier and easier to grow variety than Aeae, but best in the ground regarding its adult height. Its also a very heavy sucker producer! So if you are interested in having a beautiful white variegated Musa in your collection, I would go with either of these 2 varieties. I think that most people want an Aeae solely due to its lingering hype and 'Royal' history and has a sort of mystique surrounding it. Photos of these 2 varieties can be viewed in my gallery.
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