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Old 11-21-2010, 04:08 PM   #1 (permalink)
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Location: Vista, CA
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Joy Guess the Dwarf Brazilian Bunch Size

Wow, I've been super busy at the nursery and almost forgot about my Dwarf Brazilian bud! Guess the correct total number of fingers that form in the bunch and win a prize. Shipping via USPS is included in the prize, which includes most international locations. If no one guesses the correct number then the closest guess wins. If there are two "closest" guesses, then two prizes will be awarded.

Since it is winter time, the prize will not be a live plant but instead your choice of "organic" or inorganic fertilizer - sufficient to feed one outdoor fruiting banana plant in the ground for a year:
  1. One quart of 5-1-1 Fish Emulsion w/ Seaweed plus 4-lb box of Sul-Po-Mag, or
  2. A 5-lb bag of 20-5-30 Banana Fuel
Here are the official contest rules (PLEASE READ):
Rules of the contest forum, read before posting!
Here is a picture of the bud on 11/21/2010:
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