Well, Musa ornata fruit doesn't "peel itself" like M. velutina does, so what you have is definitely Musa velutina...or maybe a hybrid of...OK, that's too much speculation, lol. I am going to stick with my first assumption that there is more than one variety of Musa velutina. Phil Markey from Trebrown Nurseries posted some pictures on here a while back of some very tall Musa velutina. In fact, let me post a piece of the description of M. velutina, as quoted from The Musaceae website:
""Plant stooling freely ; pseudostems up to 1.5 m. high [but much taller in some forms], 7 cm. in diameter at base, often smaller, yellowish-green, devoid of wax
I'm pretty darn sure that the tall form that Randy has is more cold-hardy as well.