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Old 12-12-2010, 01:52 PM   #8 (permalink)
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Default Re: Incoming cold.....

Hi guys thanks for the advices... I hurried up and dig it before dusk.... now it's in a pot inside a condortable indoor greenhouse with two fluorescent lights over its head...

I was very concerned about losing it since it seems the 'nana is very vital and sprouted two pups even at this young age...

Ante, the underleaf colour is green with little brown spots that disappear gradually as leaves grow.

Jack, I have a very big parsley plant and since it's going to be very cold it was time to cut the foliage, so I though , why not use it as mulch ? I'll have the first ice cream banana with a subtle parsley taste.... LOL

Seweryn, for us 0 ° is like an incoming glacial era ... maybe romans share some genes with 'nanas about the cold, don't you think ??? LOL

Kostas, I saw on TV that Greece has been hit hard by the cold stream... I'm happy to hear that your icecream survived quite well the snow storm.... I hope Rome will not get brutalized that way by the weather...
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