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Old 12-12-2010, 06:16 PM   #12 (permalink)
Planetrj Hawaii Z11b
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Default Re: Incoming cold.....

I would definitely get them to a sheltered place. Frost cloth can help when the temps are not going to stay below freezing for more than 5 or so hours, but if there's SNOW, it's probably not going to be very effective.

@Rick: the Ice Cream will not tolerate much below freezing at that size. A larger rhizome 'mat' is really necessary to develop before it can handle the dormancy below ground, as it needs that energy store and also the insulation of the mass to get it through the cold. IMHO, I'd keep it indoors if it even gets close to 0C.

@ Linda: I think that with all of that cilantro and greens, the snails will be attracted to it like flies to manure. lol
you will never have enough bananas ^_^
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