This is how they looked today after wrapping them to protect the stem from further damage. I hope it'll be enough to get them stem through the winter.
Usually it doesn't get below freezing very often and with very few exceptions only at night for a few hours. Last winter's low was - 2.8 ° C (27° F) first freeze was in January.
This winter we had two nights below 0° C so far and there's more announced for the following days. After the weekend it should get a bit warmer.
California Gold:
Originally Posted by BB73
my Rajapuri and California Gold were also hit by last nights frost. It was - 3 ° / 27 ° F in the night. The night before it was just around freezing and no damage was done, but this morning the leaves were burned from the cold and black.
My Rajapuri this morning:
And my California Gold:
I cut all the leaves from the Raja and almost all from the CaliGold.
This morning, my neighbours cut down their bananas (see this thread for pics: Bananas at my neighbours). They threw the plants on the sidewalk close to the trash can, so I took the stems with the leaves and ripped them apart and put it on top of the soil around my nanners. So I got extra mulch which may become a good compost soon. 5 stems all about 3 meters long plus leaves are lying around the two plants.
I don't think that my Ice Cream, Ladyfinger and Yuannensis on the island of Skiathos were affected, because it was just 2.5 ° C this morning, so no frost and hopefully no damage done.